Mini Music Kids by Stanley Mouse

Mini Music Children's Music Classes

Join us for our SPRING session starting April 5! Now offering SATURDAY classes! 

and introducing...... MINI MAKERS art classes!

Visit the Classes Page to see schedule.

Learn from accomplished musicians and experienced passionate teachers

“They have this enthusiastic way of getting children into music by singing, movement, rhythms, instruments or dancing so they are completely immersed and having a blast.”

Guitar Boy
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Mini Music is Marin and Sonoma County's beloved music program for young children and preschoolers. Created especially for infants, toddlers and young children up to age five and their parents or caregivers, the classes include singing, playing musical instruments, rhythmic movement and dance.

You will both look forward to these fun-filled classes that will foster a love of music and dance and bring out your child's natural abilities.

Mini Music classes, created by husband and wife team of songwriters and musicians, Ali and Warren Mann, are led by the couple as well as other wonderfully talented musicians. Sessions are 10 weeks (summer sessions are 6) with over twenty five weekly classes to choose from.

No child is too young and no parent or grandparent too old to take part and enjoy this early childhood curriculum. Students receive a CD each session that includes both original and well known children's music recorded and performed by teachers Ali and Warren Mann. There are twelve CDs and three years worth of music in the Mini Music program.
Mini Music Classes
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